Wednesday 15 August 2007

The Tooth Mom Came again tonight

Quinn lost his 4th tooth tonight. That makes it 4 bottom teeth he has lost now. The top 2 middle teeth are slightly loose, but showing no hurry to come out STILL. I don't mind too much, I love those cute little baby teeth ;)

I wish the Tooth Mouse illusion could have held for a little longer, but alas Quinn is having none of that. He loves the financial gain of it though so he continues to play along.

This was when he lost his first tooth, and then when he lost his second tooth, and then he lost his third tooth during a busy and eventful week.

So tonight the tooth was shown to me and I was told it was going in the special tooth mouse pillow, I was also given quite a few reasons why the tooth mouse would want to give a nice tidy sum for this tooth...

Then when he went to bed, he yelled, 'Hey Mommy, don't forget my tooth!'

So there's now R20 wedged in the pillow flap. Sigh.


  1. Had you realised before now that Quin knew about the "mouse"?
    Tooth Mouses have to be quite rich these days I see. LOL!

  2. Oh yes, for at least a year now.

    Read the entry from the second tooth...

  3. Shame it turns out his friends were all getting R20, R50 or R100 per tooth!

    The poor child got R5 for the first and then R10 for the second and third.

    Considering he hardly ever gets tuck shop money I thought he deserved R20 this time - and it was all I had :P

  4. lol I wonder if Quintus will still believe in the tooth mouse by the time he finally loses a tooth!
