Friday 7 September 2007

Doula Exam Results - dissappointed

I got a call this morning from the lady in charge of the WOMBS doula course. She phoned to give me my doula exam results. You know that one I thought I aced?

Apparently I got 84%.

To be honest I am very disappointed. I expected to get at least in the 90s, and was actually expecting at least 95%. :(

Not once since writing have I though I left anything out, or put anything wrong in. I rechecked my whole paper before handing it in and was very happy with it. If anything I may have answered too thoroughly. So where did I lose marks?

I really hope we are going to get our papers back so I can see what I got 'wrong', because right now I don't feel satisfied with 84%. I really KNEW my material.


1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, that is SO frustrating, and annoying to say the least. If you don't get your papers back in due course, I would certainly be asking questions about the marking thereof!
