Sunday 16 September 2007

Harry & Grommit - finally in focus!

I am strictly a point-and-click photographer. I have a really cheap camera and no skill, and it shows. But it's small and easy to carry around which is a big plus.

Richard got an HP Photosmart 945 in 2004 as gift/award from work. (it was worth R5500 at the time), but he has hardly used it. Also half the photos he took with it were blurry - although he did get a few really good ones along the way too.

But it's quite big and when travelling you can't just hang it around your neck, so we kind of stopped using it. For the past 2 years it has literally just been lying in a draw unused - sacrilege I know. We haven't even had batteries for it....

I want to photograph some of the births I attend, when the moms want some photos (not photographer shots, just snaps of the event to remember it by). I took one really nice shot of a birth in June with the client's camera, quite by mistake. So I started thinking I really should start using a better camera.

So I bought some new rechargable batteries yesterday, and took out the Photosmart and tried it this morning. I need to fiddle a lot more to see what it can really do, but for now I managed to get a few shots in focus!

Then I tried the macro setting and finally got some semi decent pictures of our rats.

So here they are:




  1. I kinda also just point and shoot with my camera. I have got a BIT better with that over time...but I still take a LOT of blurry pics.

  2. Hey, they are gorgeous. we are big rat fans. We had Sweetie first who was joined by Lovie. Eventually they died so we got Sweedles & Cuddles. The latter was replaced by Noddles and then Oodles.
    3 deaths.... I am beginning to suspect Sweedles of foul play!

  3. Mel (Not sure who you are?), How long should we expect them to live. I have heard about 2 years, is that right? Ours will be 2 in November... but they still seem healthy, so hopefully we won't have to bid them farewell too soon.

  4. I'm not really 'into' rats as pets, but these are so cute! Our cat brought a native Australian bush rat inside once, just to play with, not to kill and eat. They chased each other around the house for about 20 minutes until Ken got toey and said "that's enough. I don't want to find that thing in bed with me overnight". So he caught it and put it back in the garden. Topsy looked so annoyed!

  5. Hey anonymous (Doula)Mel I know who you are now, Dof is me! ;)
