Saturday 27 October 2007

Yoga, shopping & Fear Factor at RBPS

We just came back from a busy day out.

First we had the End of Year group yoga class, which the boys attended with me. It is held in a school hall and is usually attended by 30-40 people. I don't think I have missed one yet, so this was my 9th. The boys were very good on the whole. They did most of the class with me, and then went outside to play cards quietly for the rest of the time. It was 1.5 hours long. Then it was off to the yoga teacher's house for brunch - always a yummy affair with fruit, yoghurt, croissants, cheeses, muffins, preserves, nuts, juices etc etc, and always the teacher's to-die-for baked cheese cake. YUM.

Then it was off to do some shopping. General shopping, picked up a few things for me at Woolies (skirt, shorts, bra and track top) and to collect some supplies for our Halloween party on Wednesday. Then on to fruit & Veg city, where I was THRILLED to find watermelons. It is a very pitiful specimen though, so my thrill dissipated as soon as we got home and I cut it. Turns out it's not quite watermelon season yet...

There was barely time to change before heading off to Quinn's school for the Fear Factor competition they were hosting. I had expected a relaxing afternoon chatting while the kids played, but it turned out to be pretty intense and exhausting. Unbeknownst to me Quinn was captain of his team! We were supposed to dress the team in matching gear etc, so some pre-warning would have helped!!! So I ended up supervising the team and rallying around them keeping them together, doing what they were meant to and off course cheering them on. Whew!

Here are some photos of the action.

There were 10 events in all. I didn't get photos of all of them though...

The food challenge; there were 5 'disgusting' food items; boiled cabbage, squishy jellied peas,fish food, rabbit food and dog food. Quinn's team drew dog food and had to eat a spoonful of dog pellets each. Quinn was first and gobbled his down. Griffin walked away and spat his out, as did most other kids, and some of the fish food and pea kids were even vomiting!

Eeuuuw!Sling Shot Challenge - Griffin was the only one in the team who hit the target.Chicken Muck Bucket - A bucket of mushy oats with chicken innards in it. They had to retrieve a piece of chicken and run a relay to a bucket across the field. One child was so repulsed by the thought and feel of it he was vomiting as he ran. Shame!Griffin running with his gooey chicken... yeeeurgh! Slide & Maze - They had to navigate an obstacle course, climbing a cargo net, down a slide and through a maze jumping castle. Griffin really enjoyed this one, literally leaping off the top of the slide. I love this photo of him in mid air!
This is fun!All over - but still alive. Clearly Fear is not a Factor for us!Quinn eating one of his eyeball prizes on the way home.


  1. That photo of Griffin on the slide it AWESOME!! Looks like a fantastic day.

  2. OMG, it all sounds DISGUSTING! But I bet the kids love it, even when they are throwing up..eeewww
