Wednesday 14 November 2007

Griffin's Birthday

It was Griffin's birthday on Monday, he turned 6.

He had a fab day, starting with waking up early to find Dad back home, after being away for nearly 3 weeks!!! And a bunch of presents!

Excuse the wrapping paper, it's all I had, and hey it works! Wink

Hey JUST what I wanted!


Then it was off to school with his cake:

Then home to play! They made th crown for him at school. Note his new Ratatouille t-shirt.

We went to Spur for dinner, where he had ribs for the first time:
One hand is not enough any more!

I let him taste some sparkling wine, the response, 'Yum...YUCKY!'



  1. I LOVE those "I just woke up on my birthday" photos. Happy belated birthday to him

  2. 6 is VERY big! Impressive cake! Daniel had one for his 5th birthday party.
    My girls have birthdays 8 days apart so next year is a joint party at age 4 and age 6. Will do separate cakes though.
