Friday 2 November 2007

Halloween gone - but not forgotten

So Halloween came and went on Wednesday night and we had a great time. It was the first time I hosted it at my house.

But Whew! It was exhausting!

It was a HOT day, so just preparing everything and dressing ourselves up took it out of us and then we ended up having just 4 adults and 18-20 kiddies! All the other adults dropped their kids and left - gee thanks!

So, with Richard away, I had to wrangle all the kids, socialise, cater, host, watch the pool, lead the trick or treating, make sure the house was locked, be polite to neighbours and everything. We also picked up some stray kids along the way - like the pied piper LOL, and I ended up feeding them and entertaining them too! ;) At least we met some more of our neighbours though.

It was actually really fun.

I took the photo below at the end of the evening after putting the boys to bed and then cleaning up. I have a feeling I would have looked like that anyway by then- even without the make up!

I was too busy at the time of the party to take many/any photos. It's a pity I didn't get a pic or 2 of our food table and the massive box of sweets we had. Oh well.

Here are a few pics we did get of our evening:

Quinn and I all dressed up and ready. He was some kind of demonic long haired rugby player (Victor Matfield? ;) ) I was a zombie, vampire, demented mom (i.e just my usual self!).
Griffin... say no more!
The gang we started off with. It was double the size when we got back.
Trick or Treating at our local Ghost House. Whoooooo!
Our little Jack-o-Lantern.
Larger versions of the pics are here.

By all accounts everyone enjoyed our party, and it was a great success. Thanks to everyone who came and contributed.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you had lots of fun :)
    That house is scarey looking but definately fitting for the evening.
    Nice pics
