Saturday 15 December 2007

Baby Update - nearly 9 months old!

I went to visit my gorgeous prem baby again today, (At the last update he was 4 months old) and man did my heart swell and warm when I saw him!!! 'My' teeny tiny poppet is a big strapping boy now!

He is just shy of 9 months now, and weighs over 7kgs. Not bad for someone who started life 12 weeks early at just 1.2kgs huh!?

Anyway he is the cutest, smiley-est, busy little thing you can find. Too precious. So far he has not had a single issue either. I am amazed and thankful and so impressed, he is doing so very well!
Here are some pics:

With his proud Mommy:

Concentrating on a tassle:

Playing in his baby gym:

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