Sunday 2 December 2007

Behaving like kids ... again

It's been a while since Rich and I went out alone together.... somehow with him being away for 3 weeks and then being on America time for another 2 weeks and behaving most nocturnally, Griffin's birthday and all the stuff and events that go along with the end of the school term and year, we just haven't had a chance to.

Well on Friday I insisted he take me on a long overdue 'date', and so off we went. We first hit the Fat Cactus, and drank and entire jug of frozen Margaritas between the 2 of us, along with some yummy chilli poppers, then we moved on to the Baxter to see Pieter Dirk Uys in 'Evita for President'. I hadn't seen PDU performing Live before and we had front row seats so it was quite a treat. He is a very very clever man and is simply brilliant at portraying people and their quirks, as well as the farce that is politics. I loved his Kader Asmal and Pik Botha impersonations the most, oh and his Thabo Mbeki ventriloquist act was excellent too. I thoroughly enjoyed it. having grown up in a liberal 80s home I saw videos of his 'Beyond the Rubicon' and 'Adapt or Die' et al shows, when I was around 8 years old and barely able to understand them, so have totally grown up around his work.

After enjoying the show I didn't feel quite ready to head home yet, and suggested we do the 'adult' thing of coffee and cake. We weren't sure where to go and ended up magnetically drawn to Claremont and right outside Stones, when I decided screw the coffee and cake, drinking, dancing and playing pool it would be. And so it was ;)

So there were we mingling with the Young Uns again. I must say I think we do it rather well. I was not hell of a impressed with the DJ though. He seemed stuck on one very limited genre and even them was not playing the best of that genre and so it got slightly boring. When we got home I fired up my laptop, which was in the bedroom, to Google something we'd debated during the evening (The answer was Just Jinjer ;) ) and then I decided to download a YouTube song and then I pulled up some of my own music and ended up putting a play list together and then proceeded to dance it up in the bedroom.

Afterwards Richard conceded that I was indeed a MUCH better DJ than the one at Stones. *Grin* and I am sure that's not just because the club Dj didn't sleep with him! ;) Harhar.


  1. We've seen Pieter Dirk Uys in Darling. It was SO good. Like you say, he is brilliant. Seems like both of us found our youthful selves lol

  2. Your evening sounds like great fun Jane!!!
    I loved the Fat Cactus in Cape Town and their Margarita's were certainly very yummy - I'm sure you enjoyed them too. I'm glad you also enjoyed the show and the after party at Stones, you'll have to give the DJ some pointers the next time you go :)

  3. Sounds like you had a GREAT time.
