Tuesday 25 December 2007

The Christmas Crackers & My surprise gift

Do you remember...?

1 ) Quinn made our Christmas crackers with personalized notes...?

Well we got to open them at lunch time today and mine said, "Remember to use your knife and fork, to eat your pork"

And there was a picture of a demented looking Santa saying 'Ho ho ho'. Hrm!!!!?

Richard's said, "To be the best dad, buy me something"

LMAO Laughing Laughing Laughing

2) When Quinn spent DH's R20 on a school outing and didn't bring any change back? I told him off, even after he said DH didn't mind, and eventually he told me he had spent the money on a Christmas gift for me...

Well this is what he bought... he wrapped it up himself and kept it a secret all the way till now.

Aw, how sweet! I love it!!! *beame* Very Happy Very Happy

He said he bought it at the beach and had to bargain with the vendor because it was meant to be R30 ;) That's my boy!


  1. Your boys are such characters Jane and they are very sweet too! I'm sure you are going to treasure that gift for a long time. Merry Christmas
