Sunday 30 December 2007

Griffin the cycling champ goes to see a movie

I took the kids to go see the movie Enchanted today. They cycled there (I ran) about a 6km round trip.

Griffin wore this, and kept the helmet and glasses on throughout the movie. He looked adorable!

At one point he had his glasses at the bottom of his nose and he was peering over them... I wish I had taken my camera with me...

He watched the kissing scene with a covered gasping mouth, and yelled a big 'YESSS!' when the princess woke up!

He was very chuffed with himself when we got home. You'd think he'd just won the Tour De France.


  1. WTG Griffin!!!!!! I want to take the boys to see that might be a good day to do that

  2. Cool, what a way to go to the movies!! No wonder he was pleased when he got home!
