Friday 14 December 2007

Uncle Paul's Noddy Christmas Party Fun

We went to the Uncle Paul's Christmas party last night, which has become another of our Christmas traditions. We have been 5 years in a row now.

It was great fun as usual. These parties always follow the same format, so I won't go into detail on that again... read my posts from 2 previous years, linked below, if you want to know more ...
Uncle Paul Party 2003
Uncle Paul Party 2005
Uncle Paul Party 2006

The only changes were that the usual Uncle Paul wasn't there last night, there was a young guy. But it was fine and he managed well. In fact it was slightly more relaxed and less controlled than usual which I liked. And there was a new addition an HILARIOUS French accented clown. I was almost having a seizure over him, so much so that my friends were rolling around laughing at ME ;)

When Richard went up to get ice-creams for all of us from him, he was joking that Richard wanted 6 for himself. Richard defended himself saying he was fetching them for 'lazy people over there'. So clown says, 'Where ees zeez laezzee peeepol huh?', so we all waved frantically, so he put his hand on his hips and said, 'Ahhh, zo youaare not too laezzee to wave huh!?' It was so silly but so funny ;)

Here are some pictures taken last night.

Richard, Griff and I, snuggling up - it got a little cold:

Griffin - trying to smile naturally! :

Quinn posing:

Griffin getting his gift from Father Christmas:

Vicki brought her foster children along L&L. It was lovely to see them and they are settling in so well with her.

It was a wonderful evening, well worth attending. I'd recommend it to anyone with young children.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like our Noddy party in Somerset West. We love it too.
