Sunday 3 February 2008

A day at the museum

While it might not be as adventurous as a 'Night At The Museum', it's still a fun way to spend a rainy Sunday morning.

This morning Quinn and I decided to go on an outing to the Cape Town Iziko Museum. We used to go often, but hadn't been there in 18+ months.

It really is lovely there with kids, especially on cold or rainy days when they need to work off some energy. There is plenty of space for kids to roam around and look at interesting things and I guarantee they will be exhausted by the end of it. Wink

They have some new exhibits up too, and a beautiful showcase of 'Wildlife Photographer of the Year' entries up atm too.

It's free on Saturdays, otherwise it's R10 for adults and R5 for kids, really cheap. And there is a fairly nice coffee shop downstairs, and the tea garden in the government gardens is lovely too.

Here are 2 collage pic of Q and my outing there today:

Quinn in the museum

Quinn feeding the squirrels in the gardens. some of them are very tame and let you scratch their head while they eat Wink

On the way home Q found a brand new R20 note too. He was super chuffed!


  1. Bradley would love that place! Nice outing! You have such interesting weekends with your boys.

  2. Your outing sounds like fun Jane! Iziko Museums is actually one of our clients in Cape Town, I must make a plan to go and visit on our next trip :)

  3. I only know you through your blog Jane, but you come across as one of the best mothers I know. I haven't got any kids myself, but if I had, I'd like to think I would do all the interesting stuff with them like you do with your boys.
    Just LOVE those squirrels! I didn't know you had them in Africa...not that I've been there! But I saw them in the USA and Canada, and I guess that's where I have squirrels in my mind's eye.
