Wednesday 19 March 2008

Moerse Spider. In.My.House.

So I just found a mother of a spider in our spare room....

Anyone know anything about spiders???

WTF is that and should I be worried?!

/me scared to get into bed now...


  1. If you were in Australia, I'd be able to identify it, but I wouldn't like to hazard a guess at African spiders. Why not Google African spiders, look at pictures and descriptions until you find one that resembles yours. Then you should know more about what you are dealing with,i.e. venomous or not, how to get rid of it, etc. One way that works for me is to vaccum them right off the wall, and then empty the vac. bag outside whilst wearing protective rubber gloves just in case!

  2. Hi Gina. I worked out that it was Rain Spider, aka the Huntsman spider. It was pretty big (although I think they can get bigger) the body is about the size of a prune or large date and the legs are about the span of my hand.

  3. yup, its a rain spider, they give me the JEEPS! One jumped out a curtain onto my mother once. She just sat down and burst into tears. There appear to be quite a few in Edgemead. AAAAAARGH
