Sunday 6 April 2008

Heaven / Oragsms in a tub!!!

A 500ml tub of Hagen Dazs Belgian Chocolate ice cream appeared in our house a week or 2 ago, and I have been savouring it in small portions ever since. It is simply DEVINE. As in one of the most delicious and satisfying things I have ever eaten... OMW it is to die for (way better than Cinnabons even)!!!

Yesterday I polished it off and was thinking I could eat that every day and never even worry about sex ever again...

Well today I took a look and it's R60 for that 500ml tub! Holy heck!? Frik man... I think paying for sex would be cheaper! Damn... so there goes that idea..... I think I will ask for Hagen Dazs for my birthday and Christmas from now on. (My birthday is on 30 April people! *hint* *hint* ) ;)

Here's a review:
Advantages: It's fantasmogorical ! : )
Disadvantages: The price . but it's worth it

The first thing I will do is tell you what Haagen-Dazs say about their own product :)"Calling all chocoholics! The deepest, darkest, most delicious chocolate ice cream in its smoothest form, combined with real chocolate fudge which melts on your tongue...heaven."

The reason I'm cheating and quoting the company on this is that I really couldn't put it better myself! If you are a chocoholic or an ice cream addict (Not being sexist here, but like most females I fall into both categories) this may just be the ice cream for you. It's certainly the ice cream for me! It has quite a firm texture (which means you might need to leave it a little bit before you spoon it) but melts in your mouth giving you a very rich, smooth chocolatey flavour. There are little pieces of chocolate in the ice cream which add to the flavour and give it a more varied texture for added eating pleasure! It's quite addictive and whole tubs can mysteriously disappear pretty quickly (in my house anyway!)