Sunday 18 May 2008

Quinn - email & chat

We set up an email account for Quinn (mainly so he can communicate with R), and I emailed him the following to get things started:
Quote:Hello Quinn.

This is an email from Mommy.

Write back.

I got this independent and unsupervised response:

from Quinn Weideman
to Jane Weideman
date 17 May 2008 10:34
subject Re: Hello Quinn

hollo mommy can wehave some sweets from bum bums

LMAO I think he gets it Wink

Ok, now we have tried the chat function... he is a pretty strange boy...

me: hello
Sent at 11:07 on Saturday
me: hello Quinn
what are you doing?
Sent at 11:09 on Saturday
quinn.weideman: i am making farts on the chear with my bum
Sent at 11:39 on Saturday
me: sis
you are a pig
Sent at 11:45 on Saturday
quinn.weideman: you are a fart fase
me: please don't be rude to me.
quinn.weideman: okay
me: thanks
ititity8o5uyydregx vxfggxd
Sent at 11:48 on Saturday
quinn.weideman: m ,mcvklm,mvlfmv,cn kcbv v,nfv,
m v.,czj/vm mc.;/kb;.xcv,v .cvm,x.cmvl;,f.v,
f;v./,dfl;,v;flv;f,v;,c .lkgvbf;g.lf
me: no man
stop being annoying
write proper stuff

quinn.weideman: sxfhcnfyvn,fttfn,vjgcnbk..n, ncnvkhsvkfgkhfkvhkdvhkjfshvkdhkglfhkgnvfk
ghirgjkhregjkihjkfhgiregirey itrthirytiryeity rityiryt
me: want to go ride bikes?

quinn.weideman: okay
me: okay to go ride bikes?
around the common?
quinn.weideman: NO WAYES
me: come on it's nice and warm outside
and you have a party later...

Sent at 11:54 on Saturday
quinn.weideman: No it is not warm outside
Sent at 11:56 on Saturday
quinn.weideman: heres a fakt gsfjehfjdgf
Sent at 11:58 on Saturday
quinn.weideman: qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm,.
me: no quinn
don't keep doing that
only use it for real messages
else I will turn it off
quinn.weideman: okayyyyyyy
anser please
me: answer what?
quinn.weideman: anser my bbum
quinn.weideman: okay

I can see the teenage years are going to be colourful. Yoh. Shocked Rolling Eyes Laughing


  1. LOL, that's very strange, but he got the hang of it very quickly

  2. lol! Q is funny! i just read out that entire conversation to T. We both had a good giggle at boy humour.
    anser my bumm lmao! too funny

  3. That is actually quite cute. And what a great way for him to keep in contact with R too

  4. I must say, I had quite a chuckle while reading this. Boys!
    What would a person answer to a bum, do you think?
