Friday 31 October 2008

Wicked Witch of the West

I am so tired I can hardly think straight... but here are pics of our Halloween.

About 30 cubs descended on my house... and they were manic! They had a 'Monster Bus' tour and I was stop 7 of 10 houses they visited. They only got back at 9:15pm and my 2 have JUST gone to bed now... Yoh!

Another group of kids arrived before that and I climbed up and peered over the wall and roared 'What do you want!!!?' I think they (and their moms) nearly pee'd their pants! Heehee. When they said 'Trick or treat, give us something nice to eat' I said 'I eat little children!' and their eyes went wide... Then I threw them a bunch of sweets and they were happy (Remember we live like 2-3 houses away from a huge old house called 'The Ghost House'.)

Me just before they arrived:

The boys and I this year:

Us and the loot:

The cubs arrive!

There are loads more incredible photos of the entire Monster Bus tour HERE.

Including this awesome one of 'The Ghost House' which is right near our house.


  1. Looks like loads of fun! And totally cool that you had trick o treating in your area!

  2. Hehe I can just imagine the looks on their faces!
