Saturday 22 November 2008

Interviewed regarding Egg Donation

So yesterday I was called by the Nurture donor coordinator Mel, to ask if I am prepared to be interviewed for an article about egg donation in the Rapport. I was like, Bring it On!

You may remember that I was on a radio talk show panel on SAFM in Mar/Apr featured with Sister Lillian to discuss 'Dads in the delivery room' from a doula's perspective, and was quoted in the Fair Lady on same topic. My 2 seconds of 'fame'. :)

If you haven't kept up my egg donor experience is detailed below:
Step 1) Registering
Step 2) Being selected
Step 3) The hormones
Step 4) Checking for the eggies
Step 5) Ripening the eggies
Step 6) Getting ready to lay
Step 7) Cluck-Cluck
Step 8) The result
Anyway the reporter contacted me and asked if she could come ask me some questions and get a photo. I was at work, dressed pretty casual, and had not had much sleep or spent much time trying to look decent for the day but thought wtf, why the hell not!?

So they came straight over! They came to my work to interview and photograph me. 2 pretty cool chickies. I think the people at work really do think I am insane now, because I am always doing odd things, and or being inappropriate in some way. ;)

Anyway I blabbed away ... as I tend to do. And the camera chickie took photos while I talked. I hate people photographing me and yet she was so relaxed and nonchalant about it I hardly even noticed her. :)

I think I said some good things, and was adamant it's in not about the money at all, it's so much more than that. For me anyway...

They said they'll scan the article and send to me when it's done. It was actually rather fun!

Update: The article is HERE


  1. that's so very cool! You'll have to let us know when it gets published.

  2. WOW!! That's very cool. We were hoping to be able to donate our other 4 embryos after the IVF thing, but unfortunately they would not have survived the freezing process. I admire you for doing the egg donation thing - especially after going through all the injections etc.

  3. WOW!! That's very cool. We were hoping to be able to donate our other 4 embryos after the IVF thing, but unfortunately they would not have survived the freezing process. I admire you for doing the egg donation thing - especially after going through all the injections etc.

  4. I didn't know a single thing about this egg donation program before I started reading your blog, Jane. It is very interesting. Hope you will be able to put a link to the magazine article on your blog so we can read it.

  5. You must share the article when it comes out!
