Sunday 9 November 2008

Journey across Africa update

You may or may not remember that I have been tallying my running distances since I started running in September 2005?

My goal has been to run all the way up Africa. Figuratively of course! In reality I am just plodding around the Southern Suburbs of Cape Town, in small and boring increments, but that is hardly exciting sounding is it!? I actually LOVE it though and my music and the voices in my head make it really enjoyable.

Anyway at my last update 11 months ago I had 2800km under my belt and was in Luanda, Angola. I am now just past Bata in Gabon, or 4200km away!
Here is some interesting info, at 10km/h (my usual speed) it would take 407 hours to cover the distance, or 17 days non-stop.