Monday 3 November 2008

Our week-end... a story in pictures.

Wow what a fun-filled, busy and amazing week-end. It was fantastic on so many levels!

After the festivities of Halloween on Friday evening, we woke up early on Saturday morning to attend my end of year yoga function. It is now a tradition for the teacher to host a mass class in a school hall (where she used to teach), followed by brunch at her house.

I had to take the boys with me this year. They started off outside playing in the school playground, and half-way through the class they snuck in quietly and did the rest of the class along side me. Which was really nice. Griffin was quite earnest about it, but bit flailing. Quinn is more capable but more of a clown. But they stayed totally quiet and quite focused, and they were complimented afterwards for their good behaviour. *beame* I thoroughly enjoyed the class, and had a really good stretch and work-out, and found it very relaxing and invigorating. I just LOVE yoga!

We went of to the brunch which as usual was absolutely delicious. Fresh fruit, yoghurt, nuts, cheeses, croissants and freshly brewed teas & coffee etc. And of course her now legendary baked cheesecake. We all anticipate that all year!

After that we had to hop in the car and dash off to a party at the Phillippi Adventure Farm. It is a lovely place and the weather was absolutely perfect. Not to hot, not too cold, not windy (for a change) just right! The animals were all happy and strutting their stuff and the party was relaxed and lovely.

This is us just after we arrived at the party...
JQ&G at Adventure Farm  by you.
Being the ape descendant I am I wasted no time climbing ropes and trees and generally being a twit... something I am sure will become embarrassing to my children sooner or later, but for now they seem to kind of enjoy it. Me up in the trees... on a tyre swing (and then I gave myself a misplaced rope burn!) ;)
Jane of the Jungle by you.
Griffin and I then went off for a walk around the farm on our own. It was nice to have some one-on-one bonding time chatting to him. He is such a sensitive soul. He thought all the baby animals were 'so keeewt!!!'. This is some of what we saw on our walk...
Adventure Farm Walk with Griff  by you.
Quinn totally fell in love with this duckling. He rescued it when it got separated from it's mom & siblings... He so wanted to keep it....I eventually convinced him we should go look for its family so we could reunite them, which we did. Awww!

The Adventure Farm also had some beautiful peacocks strutting their stuff. Wow they looked spectacular. I managed to get this close up of a fully open tail on display. Isn't he lovely??

Peacock Tail by you.
I also got a very special and surprise phone call while at the party. It meant a huge amount to me!

Then we had to hop in the car again, dash home to get some dress up clothes for Griff and then speed him to his next party. I went home to clean the pool and do general stuff around the house and then it was time to go collect him again. We were all exhausted by that time and snuggled up to eat Pizza and watch 'Finding Nemo' before heading off to beds which were calling loudly.

On Sunday I had a wonderful run, and then we met up with the BabyNet gang for breakfast at the Millstone Cafe at Oude Moulen. I did some more tree climbing and tyre swinging before settling down to behave a bit more adult-like with the other moms ;)
BN Breakfast 2 Nov 2008  by you.
After that the boys got taken for a walk in the forest with the respective dogs, by our neighbours. I briefly considered dashing out to the gym, but then decided I'd much rather have my bum firmly planted on the couch. I then promptly fell asleep. I have not had an afternoon nap in ages... probably about a year now. I woke up when the doorbell rang signalling the boy's return and I got such a fright and was so disoriented. I thought I had slept through the night!

Once I recovered we got ready to go off to meet some of my work friends for drinks and then Go-Karting (which I have posted about already), we got back at about 9pm.

As I said a fun and busy week-end. I loved it!


  1. I LOVE weekends like that!!!!!

    LOL I also managed to get in a nap yday before the kids arrived back! It was sooo hot here they only to do was sleep!

  2. Sounds like an awesome weekend. Love the photos. You look great!!!

  3. Sounds like a stunning weekend!

  4. OMG - I got exhausted just reading all that! But you had a great weekend by the sound of it, and that is terrific.
