Friday 7 November 2008

Random Thoughts

I have been tagged by Laura to do Caths Random Thoughts Meme

Word for the week in my head… “ALIVE”. I have had a really good week or 2, filled with friends, and fun and excitement. I feel really alive again.

Thought for the week in my head… Everything really is going to be ok! I am ok, and I am moving in a positive direction and I like it. I like having the opportunities I do at the moment, and the relative freedom I do. It is liberating and exciting. I do not need to justify myself to anyone. Carpe diem.

Thing for the week in my life… My beloved Power Plate. I am joking of course - kind of. ;) I am not THAT obsessed with it. But it really does work! It definitely gives a good work out and taps into some pretty cool endorphin supplies. I just feel great afterwards. Relaxed, happy and alive! Oh and I have lost nearly all the extra padding which had taken residence on my ass! What's not to love!?

Song for the week in my head… 'No more keeping my feet on the ground' by Coldplay - for the lyrics and possibilities it implies, and Dirty Skirt's 'Daddy Don't Disco' to dance around my bedroom to.

Food for the week in my belly… A delicious huge salmon & blue cheese salad I made. I REALLY loved it. All 3 meals I ate it for.

Colour for the week in my life… Um... bright pink. Not usually, but this week it is.

Smile for the week on my face is… I have smiled a lot this week. At friends, family, strangers. Everyone and everything.

Blessing for the week in my heart… my beautiful children. Who are also going to be ok. Who are settling down now and are happy, and healthy. Who see the excitement in little things and who I can talk about anything with. They are patient with me, and forgiving when I make mistakes. They are my life. They make me feel loved, young and meaningful.

I am going to go with Wenchy, Supermom-Mel, KarenL and Doula Mel


  1. I enjoyed reading this. I hope you have a great weekend.

  2. That salad sounds divine!! Glad you're having a good week :)

  3. You sound sooooooooooooooooo much brighter and happier! You might still have some 'bad hair' days ahead, but I reckon you've turned the corner now. Glad the boys are also settling down to their new circumstances.

  4. You know as I was reading your list I was thinking to myself "she's going to be ok" and I was smiling to myself and then when I saw that you had tagged me I smiled even more, I'll hop over to my page and complete.
    You go Girl!

  5. Wasnt this meme just the coolest! I am so enjoying reading everyones replies!!!!

    And you do sound so happy Jane! I am thinking its that elixir you using from Brazil!!! Its really guarenteed to make you smile ;)

    And yes of course you all going to be just PERFECT!!
