Thursday 25 December 2008

1st Christmas Flying Solo

So the milestone event of 'first Christmas alone' has passed... It was just the boys and I for Christmas this year.

Last night we went to the Adderley Street Christmas Night Market to check out the lights and browse around the market, have dinner and an ice-cream cone. It was low key but fun.

Then we came home and the boys went to bed and then I got the gifts set out under the tree. I had told them not to wake me up too early... At 6:30am this morning I was presented with a cup of coffee and card & gift which Quinn had made. It was a lovely card and a 'towel hanger' which he had designed and made completely on his own and hidden it away to give to me. He is such a sweet boy. My little man!

We went through to the lounge to our Christmas tree and opened our gifts. Although the gifts were relatively few this year, they only got 4 each. I bought them each a good big gift. Quinn got a Rip-Stick & Griffin got a bigger Push Scooter - which they knew about and ad told me not to go to the trouble of wrapping (they really are too mature and considerate sometimes). But they were still excited and THRILLED with it all. Griffin kept saying 'I am so happy' 'This is the best day' 'I love Christmas' etc. Yay!

I got a lovely book from Jacques too. It was nice to have something to open too, even although I would have been ok to have not had a gift. Still it felt good to have had someone think of me. To know that I am loved.

After that we took the big gifts out into the street to try them out. What fun... Griffin doesn't realise the push-scooter is actually mine! Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

And who could forget our newest family member? It was her first Christmas too.

At lunch time we went to my friend Beryl's house for lunch. Where we were spoiled with lovely thoughtful gifts, ate too much, talked and the kids swam and had fun.

It was a good day, but I am tired now, and feeling a bit deflated and alone and sad... missing my other half. But I know it is temporary, so I am ok. Smile

Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you have all had a good one.



  1. Your first Christmas alone sounds allot better than mine was, but we get thru it and onwards we go to better and greater things. :)

  2. I'm glad to read you came through your first 'single' Xmas so well. You weren't really alone - you had your boys, and what great company they were for you!

  3. Awesome Christmas. Love you're wee doggie.

  4. Merry xmas to you too sweetie tart. Glad you have found some happiness in your life at last. x
