Tuesday 2 December 2008

Boys are strange

On Sunday night I was chatting to the boys. Discussing things we needed to get done, plans for the week, how they are feeling. You know, serious important stuff.

While I was talking, I farted. I fart like everyone else does ok. Deal with it.

So while I was talking Quinn says, 'What was that? Did you just fart...?'

So I replied in mid sentence, 'Ja, sorry'

To which he replied 'NICE one!'

Rolls eyes* BOYS!


  1. LOL!!!! The first time I farted in front of my husband, he was shocked! "I didn't know women farted like that" he said. "Mum used to do little polite ones, not trumpet blasts". (His Mum later told me she held hers in when her children were around).
    My Dad didn't hold anything in. "Better out than in" he'd say when Mum ticked him off.
    Love that photo - did you ever hold a match to your bum at the right time? I got a blue flame once. Hubby was impressed.

  2. We are also a household of serious farters...and we also do the "nice one"...
