Monday 15 December 2008

Had a Mini-Holiday

We were invited to spend the week-end with my new SO, at his house near Simon's Town this past week-end.

We drove through on Friday evening, with Roxy and a heap of stuff. Arrived at 17:30, got together with his 2 gorgeous kiddies packed up the Jeep and headed to a nearby trail where we parked and then hiked up the the dam. We bumped into his ex wife at the start of the trail. She was coming in from a run. Erk, slightly awkward moment there, but I think because it was so unplanned and unexpected it was actually cool and we all just greeted each other like it was nothing - she is BEAUTIFUL, wow. I think it must have been more weird for her though because there I was ushering her children out of the car and helping them get started on the trail.

Anyway off we went meeting his neighbours and some other friends along the way who were also joining us. We arrived at the dam changed into swimsuits and had a swim in dam and then shivered and huddled on the shore chatting, laughing, drinking wine and beer and eating snacks.

Unfortunately we didn't get to see the full moon as planned because it was overcast but it was still a wonderful evening. The children enjoyed the walk back in the dark with their head torches. Although I had to carry 3 of them in turn. Who needs gym when you have kids to lug around!? We got home late and quite exhausted and by the time everyone was clean and in bed we were exhausted.

We were meant to be running a challenging trail running event the next morning but we over slept and weren't that enthusiastic so we skipped it and decided to go to the beach instead. We played a bit of soccer on the beach and then collected white mussels in the sand (not that easy!) and swam in the bloody freezing sea! After that we walked over the sand dunes where we ran and jumped up and down them and rolled around, getting sand in and around every possible orifice.

We then went through to Seaforth Beach where we had a delicious lunch and then mucked about in the water there before going back home for ice-creams and relaxing with a DVD.

J's children then got collected by their mom and we all went for a long walk and some bouldering on a big rock. It was great fun. After we got back we got cleaned up and then we headed off to Noordhoek Farm Village for a drink with friends. The boys fel asleep on the way there so they stayed in the car and we did the beer and Tequila thing.

On Sunday morning we had a latish start, but we settled the boys in to watch a DVD and we went for a long trail run. I am SO not fit on trails which are always uphill and sandy. Wow it's hard. I can pretty much tuck and roll on the down hills though, so that gives me a chance to catch up at least :) I think we did about 10km in total and I felt quite broken after that. The rest of the day was spent relaxing and chatting, cooking and cleaning and having a braai etc. very rustig and pleasant. We were meant to head back but instead we all just chilled for the evening and we watched the Holy Grail, and then headed back in time for work this morning.

I feel like I have been away on holiday. :)

* All photos by JM


  1. Sounds like TOTAL fun!!!!!

    I am so glad :)

  2. I'm so glad you sound so happy :)

  3. what great shots and memories.

  4. That sounds fantastic! So glad you enjoying life.... btw, I still do not know what to call Noid and we have been together close on an entire year... my boyfriend? my significant other? my partner?

    All the words make me sound 16!

  5. so u are seeing a trail runner!! And his divorced. Lucky bitch!!
