Monday 2 February 2009

Parlotones just get better!

So I may have seen the Parlotones live 6 (yes you read that right 6) times now, but I still think they frikken ROCK man!!

We saw them at Kirstenbosch yesterday evening and wow, every show they put on is simply awesome. They are always good and always perform really well and with feeling. (We saw the Watershed sunset concert recently and they just didn't seem excited to be there at all, had no encore and just left afterwards). The Parlotones played for a full 90 mins, and had a 5 song encore, and stayed on to meet & greet afterwards.

I was right up front dancing (like a dork amongst the 15 year olds) and singing loudly (apologies to anyone standing near me! *efg*). At one stage Griffin asked me to stop screaming in his ear. However he was singing along and jiggling too. My throat is actually a bit hoarse now, especially since we carried on belting out their songs along to our CD all the way home! :)

Anyway when they were done we stayed on to finish our picnic, and look for Lisa, who we couldn't find. But we found Bobby Skinstad with his wife and baby and the boys had a good gawk at him, but were too shy to go ask for autographs.

As we were leaving at about we saw the band was still there and were not too mobbed so we ended up getting photos and the boys gt signatures from all 4 band members!

They were so chuffed! Griff said: "I am never washing this shirt again!"

Here are the pics:
