Wednesday 11 March 2009

The sun comes out and everything's alright.

What better way to cheer up, than a hike up Lion's Head to watch the Sunset and full moon rise!?

The weather was simply perfect and we were all keen so we decided to dash through and climb Lion's Head for a sunset picnic since it is near as dammit to full moon...

It's the 3rd time the boys have been up at night now, but it was the only time we have had good weather. Jan and Feb were cold, windy and we couldn't see much of the sun or moon. Last night was PERFECT!

This time Roxy (aka Weiner, aka Springfield, aka Teeny Beep, aka Snoopy etc) came along.
She did remarkably well actually. Although she needed to be carried for the very steep and rocky bits and she was abseil dog some of the time, for the climbing sections.

The spectacular sunset & moon rise on Lion's Head last night! You can't but help to feel lucky to be alive!

Quinn with his dog friend at the top of Lion's Head.

I know getting out is good for us all, and it gives me good one on one (erm two) time with my babies. We talk about loads of things and get to relax. But we used the time effectively too and practised Quinn's Afrikaans speech and discussed his stuff for his test this week - which is Science this week and focussing on space and the solar system and the atmosphere etc - so it was like home school really. I told Q it was 'mountain school' he thought that was cool. I specifically didn't invite anyone else along because it was spur of the moment and I wanted to do it WITH them as family time.

Quinn also took his camera along and was taking some really creative shots including taking pictures of his finger pointing to the moon and him holding the moon between his fingers etc. I was quite impressed that he thought of that, so I offered to pose for him and he was directing me to get my hand in place; 'left, left, up, down, a bit more' etc. it was cute.

I did get them home quite late in the end, because we stayed at the top for quite long staring at the gorgeous sights. So we only got back after 9pm, but I think it's worth it for the experience and memory and learning and bonding and all that goes with it. To me that's more valuable than early to bed EVERY night. In my experience it's the out of the ordinary things that you remember the most and for the longest, and that really stand out when you think back on your life. I hope my boys remember it as a good time, I know I will.

I just found out that yesterday was in fact the International Day of Awesomeness *. I think I celebrated appropriately. It was like totally awesome man!

* I love that the first link I found was a reference to the awesome UBUNTU and features Jorge!


  1. I just love the one of Quinn and the doggie...its awesome - the lighting is so soft and fuzzy.

  2. This is just lovely. I am glad you all got to spend some proper time together and I agree with you that it is more important than early to bed!

  3. Beautiful pics and such fun!!

    Ok I am coming to Cape Town :))))

    First week of April :) Will mail you with details and stuff

  4. Sounds like an absolutely PERFECT day! Wow!

  5. I'm glad the time out with your boys made you feel so much better. I wish I lived THERE!!

  6. It sounds so awesome... wow...
