Wednesday 15 April 2009

I went to a shrink to analyze my dreams

Not really, but I like the line after that ;).

Green Day - Basket Case

Do you have the time
To listen to me whine
About nothing and everything
All at once
I am one of those
Melodramatic fools
Neurotic to the bone
No doubt about it

Sometimes I give myself the creeps
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me
It all keeps adding up
I think I'm cracking up
Am I just paranoid?
Or I'm just stoned

I went to a shrink
To analyse my dreams
She says it's lack of sex
That's bringing me down
I went to a whore
He said my life's a bore
So quit my whining cause
It's bringing her down

Sometimes I give myself the creeps
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me
It all keeps adding up
I think I'm cracking up
Am I just paranoid?
Uh, yuh, yuh, ya

Grasping to control
So I better hold on

Sometimes I give myself the creeps
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me
It all keeps adding up
I think I'm cracking up
Am I just paranoid?
Or I'm just stoned

There's no major hidden meanings in that, I just heard the song a couple of times today and like it. I am not (or am no longer at least) a Basket Case. It does bring back memories of my varsity days in Pretoria though. And I've been reminiscing about Varsity and Pretoria recently...

I am in a rather chipper mood today actually. I am more or less on top of the my daunting workload and life is settling into a nice pace again. Plus I have new focus and a major goal...

Oh right, I haven't mentioned it here yet. I have taken up a challenge, yep with my same Beer-Challenge buddies from last time. S&J who I basically slaughtered. LOL. They have since competed in the IRON MAN, so they have called for a 'double or nothing' re-match. I was like, 'Sure, bring it on!', until they said the next round must be a half-marathon. That's 21.1km people... as in more than double my usual distance! At first I said, 'No freaking way', but then they insisted we needed to even the playing field to give them a fighting chance. We bantered for a while and then my competitive nature started coming, out and before I knew it I had agreed and then I had entered. WTF was I thinking!?!

So yeah I am running* the Safari Half on 1 May - the day after my 35th Birthday. Go me!

So in between fits of total denial, I am now training for a half marathon. Who would have thunk it!?

I have booked accommodation for the night before for the boys and I. So we will spend my birthday in Wellington where we'll grab a pizza or something for dinner. And then get an early night before I wake up early to, hopefully, make the dudes eat my dust again! If not, at least I will have tried. This time I will be sure to take a lot of beer money with me. I suspect I will need it ;)

* Look running may be too strong a word, it's more likely to be a walk... or shuffle if I am lucky. But what have I got to lose - wait don't answer that!


  1. That's fantastic Jane. :)

    You can do it. I have no doubt.

  2. April 2009 at 19:35

    you are so like my friend Linda Els. and she has now turned into a megarunner. you go girl.

    i love that its easy for you to include your boys.

  3. Thanks for the vote of confidence Wenchy ;)

    Meriel, I have a scary mega-runner friend too. We started months apart and she is now like Bionic Woman... I include my boys in everything because I have/want to and because we make it work. It relies on them being mature, responsible and capable and me being non-paranoid, trusting and well a little desperate sometimes ;) I do not molly-coddle my children.
