Thursday 30 April 2009

It's my Birthday

Yippee yay! I actually don't make that much of a big deal about birthdays, they seem pretty arbitrary to me to be honest. But well, after last year's really crappy birthday, and now this one being the first time it is just MY birthday (well it is still obviously also Richard's birthday*, but since we are no longer together we don't 'share' a birthday anymore...) I decided this year to actually acknowledge my birthday a bit more.

Yesterday I bought doughnuts for the IT Crowd and Managers at work, and then at after work drinks we had (way too many) Margaritas in celebration (incriminating photos pending).

Today I woke up (far earlier than I had to thanks to my most irritating ex-Mother-in-Law, I mean really! After 13 years has she not freeking learned that an early morning phone call from her is NEVER appreciated and particularly not on a birthday and even MORE so after a rough night. Silly cow! *Growl*). Anyway that was the start of the day and I dragged my sorry ass up and after 2 cups of coffee was able to shower and get the boys to school on time.

Having taken the day off - good planning on my part - I was able to get to my 9am appointment at my brain-dead leisure. There to lie in paralytic bliss as I was massaged** thoroughly from top to toe for a whole 90 minutes - which was my birthday present to myself because well 'I'm worth it'. :P That was divine!

I then went off to get my new running shoes which had arrived and which I got at the discounted price (About 25% off in the end). Score! I love them lots, but won't be wearing them for my race tomorrow sadly, since I have not worn them in yet, plus it is likely to be wet and muddy and I wouldn't want to sully them so soon, now would I!?

I then had a nice cappuccino on my own (love doing that) and responded to my gazillion birthday messages which were very unexpected and very appreciated. Thanks to all who wished me! Then I did a bit of retail therapy - nothing too hectic, my credit card is still in tact. And now I am about to pack up and collect the boys before we had off to Wellington to spend my birthday evening chilling and relaxing together before the big race early tomorrow morning.

Wish me luck! I'll see you on the other side... if I make it.

* If you ever read this HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICHARD!

** Very cool and interesting place I went to called the Healing Light Centre in Kenilworth which is a community outreach program and PDA blind people massage center. Awesome concept. A 90-minute aromatherapy massage costs R170, and it was really very good. I asked for a firm massage and she was very strong and firm but did not hurt at all.


  1. Happy Birthday to you :)

    Glad you had a good day!

  2. Sorry I missed it! I have an excuse I was on the beach! Happy belated birthday, Jane.

  3. So sorry i missed it - was in Nam. Happy Happy and i hope its your best year yet.

  4. Oh no! I missed it!
    That will not happen again. And I am glad you spoilt yourself.
