Sunday 28 June 2009

Quinn's report brilliant, but teacher STILL negative.

So we got Quinn's report. These are his results for term 1 & 2 of grade 4:

- English - Term 1: 3 - 64.5%, Term 2: 4 - 72.9%
- Afrikaans - Term 1: 3 - 66.6%, Term 2: 3 - 68.7%
- Xhosa - Term 1: 2 - 50%, Term 2: 4 - 82.5%
- Mathematics - Term 1: 4 - 88.2%, Term 2: 4 - 85.1%
- History - Term 1: 4 - 73.3%, Term 2: 4 - 81.4%
- Geography - Term 1: 4 - 92.8%, Term 2: 4 - 81.6%
- Natural Science - Term 1: 4 - 80%, Term 2: 4 - 78%
- EMS - Term 1: 4 - 90%, Term 2: 4 - 80%

- Life Orientation - Term 1: 4 -70%, Term 2: 4 - 75.7%
- Physical Education - Term 1: 3 - 50%, Term 2: 4 - 100%

- Computers - Term 1: 4 - 70%, Term 2: 4 - 80%
- Design - Term 1: 2 - 25%, Term 2: 3 -53.3%

- Music - Term 1: 4 - 79%, Term 2: 4 - 81.7%
- Art - Term 1: 4 - 75%, Term 2: 4 - 68.7%

I think those results are pretty incredible... especial since his readiness for Grade 4 was questioned at the beginning of the year!

But his teacher is consistently negative about him and doesn't seem to give him any leeway, and despite this very good result her comments are pretty demotivating - saying he is 'extremely talkative', which he IS, I know, and that she is concerned about his readiness for Grade 5 (which is more then 6 months away still!). But rather than encourage him, in any way, she just puts him down all the time and questions whether he should be in that grade (as the youngest), yet next year he will STILL be talkative, that's his personality. It is actually getting quite annoying now and I am not sure how to address it now...?

:( This is the first teacher at the school I have had an issue with, I find her quite difficult to deal with...


  1. I think his marks are exceptional... I wonder what her problem is!

  2. hi jane!
    long time... hey?!
    first off WELL DONE Q and mom!! those are fantastic marks. he has improved beautifully.

    i would either request that Q be moved to another class, or a meeting with you, the teacher and her grade head or headmaster.
    she is there to build him up, not break him down. the long term repercussions could be very bad for him.
    she should be guiding and encouraging him. she should be praising him (and you) for his hard work.

    thats just mt 2c! :D

  3. Holy crap, how can she still be negative!??!?

  4. Looks like fabulous marks to me!

  5. i was wondering if these are written comments or in an interview with you.

    i would want to take it further if she is passing these comments to him or in the classroom.

    Well done Quinn I think you did fabulously

  6. Thanks for the comments all.

    I have met with her twice. Once a few weeks into the year when she was all worried about his readiness for Grade 4 and almost wanted him back in Grade 3, and then at the end of term 1 when she agreed that he was doing ok, and she seemed to have relaxed a bit.

    I communicate with her via email and she never says anything encouraging or positive, and I don't think she is very nice to him either. The report comments are not very positive mentioning him being 'too talkative' and how she is 'worried about his ability to cope in Grade 5' etc.

    Look he is not the easiest child. he is very bright, but enquiring, distractable and playful... but he loves school and is not a delinquent, but I imagine he doesn't fit the regular mould. But this is the first teacher we have really clashed with the others have been prepared to work WITH him rather than against him. I am finding myself being negative about her now... :(

  7. GO QUINN!!!

    ARGH sorry about that teacher!!! Cant you go to the principal about it?

    Its kinda a catch 22 cos you dont want her to victimise the child but she also needs to start teaching properly!

  8. WHAT?! How can she NOT be happy with that! He does so well! Clearly his age is not making a difference to his school work
