Sunday 30 August 2009

Viva Joie De Vivre, Viva Le Week-end!

This was a lovely busy but relaxed week-end.

The boys were meant to be with their dad, but I canceled all visits until further notice (yeah the saga continues, so we'll have to see what happens there) so they were with me instead.

On Friday I had to go collect a replacement cell phone for Quinn in town after dropping the boys at cubs. C & his son H tagged along. Once we had the cell phone we went to Asoka for a drink. Lovely sun downer spot! Then we collected my boys and made salad, hot dogs and squidies for dinner. The squidies were a hit with the kids and adults alike.

On Saturday we did some early morning gardening and I cleaned the pool etc, and then went to the park and scootered, skate boarded and played soccer until we were exhausted. Then we went to friends to watch rugby. Then back to C's place to watch soccer & have a braai etc. Got home after 9pm.

On Sunday, I got up at 6am. Got the boys up and ready and got to Villagers Rugby club by 7am in time to meet with C, and some other friends where we ran an 8km race (The Don Locke Memorial). I finioshed in a pretty decent - for me - 41 mins. C was challenging someone and ran ahead finishing in an impressive 34 mins! :shock:

C then went off to spend time with his son, while my boys and I went to do the grocery shopping and then home where we unpacked, bathed and then made banana bread, ginger bread men and cooked chicken for wraps for dinner.

We then washed the car inside and out including vacuuming etc. Then we cleaned up the kitchen and mopped the floor. After that we made and ate lunch.

Then it was off to the cub athletics badge event where there was running, sit-ups, push-up, chin-ups, throwing etc, not an easy badge at all, but loads of fun was had anyway.

Then since we were in the area already, we popped off the Camps Bay to surf and play at the beach for a bit. 8)

After that it was back home to meet up with C and H for dinner and a last play and that's the w/e over...

And. I. Feel. Great!

I was sick and tired for so long I forgot how fun it can be to DO STUFF when you feel normal! :)

Here are some pics of our activities and antics:

Saturday morning in the park.

Sunday, Don Locke Race:

Camps Bay Beach:

Then I may remove this one as it is more than a little embarrassing and lame...
Saturday morning fooling around at the park. I have finally met someone who not only tolerates my fooling around but actually encourages it! :shock: :oops: :roll:

I am not usually quite so energetic or productive but I think after literally a month of being too tired to really want to do much at all I am just making up for lost time now.

Feeling normal now feels fantastic! :)



  1. Thats the Jane we know and love. Don;t take it down - it makes us all smile.


  2. Love it!!! You're as daft as I am.

    We have squidgies often now. the girls love 'em.

  3. Good to see you happy. Good to see another woman who appreciates a guy with a shaven head like my sexy husband!

  4. Ah so much of happiness and love!

    YAY for special weekends!

    Oh and dont you two make for a HOT couple :)

  5. You do sound like you had a very energetic weekend - sjoe! But you sound very happy :)

  6. O Jane, I haven't had time to read my usual blogs, so I haven
    t visited your blog in some time.

    It sounds like C is a awesome person and I can see how happy you are!

  7. Sheesh but you are energetic!!!! And you look so happy!
