Tuesday 12 January 2010

Guilty Pleasures

Meriel did this one, so I thought I'd try too. I'm a tad puritanical or something when it comes to myself and I actually don't indulge myself a lot. In fact it may be a bit of an issue and I think it's a self-worth thing. I don't do facials, manis, pedis, massages etc pretty much ever. I have a R150 voucher for a Beauty Therapy place which I have had for 2 months. I'd LOVE to go, but keep being compelled to give it to someone more deserving. WTF!? I hardly even go for haircuts. I colour my own hair, and sometimes trim it myself too. I don't buy magazines, I don't eat out much at all, or rent DVDs, or get take-out dinners or lunches. I mostly buy factory shop or marked down clothing. I don't have any expensive cosmetics. I am actually quite frugal... but here are the guilty pleasures I can think of.

1. Peanut Butter - I just love it. Most evenings I'll have at least a teaspoonful after dinner. I can eat peanut butter on or with almost anything.

2. Watermelon. I LOVE watermelon. Almost additively. I have been more rationed with it this year, but seriously I could live on watermelon and be quite happy.

3. Sitting in bed with my laptop late at night or on week-end mornings. Either on the internet or watching Scrubs & House. It a massive waste of time, but I enjoy it, so there!

4. The Power Plate at the gym. Man that thing rocks - or rather shakes. It really is one giant vibrator. It is not half unpleasant, and not just in the erotic way you may be thinking. The movement really does stimulate the release of endorphins.

5. Music. I listen to music at work (when I can), when I run, and sometimes even when I take the boys to the park. Sometimes they talk SO much and so loud that it freaks me out, so I muffle the sound with music to stop myself getting worked up. I have a policy of 'Buy Local - Steal International', so I download or copy stuff from all over. I also usually go to quite a few music events every year.


  1. Love this list of yours... I love peanut butter too!

  2. Nothing here that I can see you should feel guilty about...and I agree with the watermelon craze...that is one of the things I love about summer...watermelon.

  3. you need to use that voucher and pamper yourself - you deserve it! :)

  4. Yes, use the voucher. I'll babysit.

  5. 'Buy Local - Steal International' ha ha ha. also me, although i have not done it in forever

  6. Make the booking Jane!! Do something practical like a pedicure :-p

    Watermelon is delicious hey! Peanut butter not so much :)
