Saturday 30 January 2010

Tense - past, present, future

1. Today I feel… scatterbrained - drank a bit too much red wine last night.
2. This week… has been a very emotional one, but one where I have realised I need to keep my balance in all things. My strength is in my core.
3. Last night…I saw the movie Amelia. I identified with her a lot. I need to able to strive for what I want and need, without compromising that too much.
4. Lately the song stuck in my head is… Cheryl Cole 'Fight for this Love'
5. My New Years eve… insane, but fun.
6. This year I’m looking forward to… being true to myself and not accepting less than I deserve. I am also realising that I actually am a good person. I am proud of myself.
7. What big lesson/s did you learn in 2009? That the boys and me come first. I should not put anyone else ahead of that.


  1. Hello Jane, thanks for stopping by my page. Now I have Fight for this Love on my mind, love it also.

    Heading off to the powerplate for a quick workout.

    Be good to yourself :-)

  2. Thats an awesome lesson to learn! Its one I took too long to learn with my knucklehead... So good on you!
