Tuesday 2 February 2010

Quinn strikes again!

Last night while Quinn was getting his homework out. I asked him if he had any tests for me to sign. He said he had a spelling test. He then asked me earnestly. 'Is 8 out of 20 good..?' I slightly irritatedly said, 'Actually no Quinn, it is not!' I was a bit annoyed but decided to let it go. I mean he is redoing a grade he already did well in, he said the words were easy when I asked him if he was ready for the test, this stuff really should not be hard!

I got busy with changing out of my work clothes and he carried on with his homework and the moment blew over.

20 minutes later I went over to the open book to sign it and was almost blinded by a BIG gold star shining on the page under a 20/20.

He looked at me wryly and said, 'I can't believe you still fall for that.'


  1. Jello Jane

    Quinn has a wicked sense of humour - love it!

    What a delight your children are :-)

  2. He is one up on you girl! What agood boy.

  3. lol You fell for it again :) WTG quinn

  4. He sure has a quirky sense of humour...I gather he does this sort of thing often...if you fell for it again:)

  5. Excellent Quinn!
    He's going to be a real hand full when he's a teen ;)

  6. LOL, he's a quick one that!

  7. He's just too clever :) Sweet man!

  8. That is exactly a Liam move :)
