Thursday 2 September 2010

I r quoted on the Interwebz!

Way back in 2006/2007 I had a dream to move into the birth industry and certified as a doula and set up my pregnancy & birthing support website and little business called Birth Buddies. I created a slogan for it, 'Birthing without fear' and coined a phrase to go with it 'Because giving birth should be your greatest achievement and not your greatest fear".

To me that's the reality of it. It did not seem all that profound to me.

But I have recently been made aware that I was quoted on Twitter. I thought that was pretty cool.

Tonight I Googled the quote and it seems it has been used fairly extensively....

Here are some examples:

I am glad it has resonated with other people and they have found it inspirational. Making a positive difference to how someone views and experiences their pregnancies and births is very dear to me and something I value a lot.


  1. How very cool!! It's an awesome phrase, so well deserved

  2. That is very, very cool :-) It's a really good quote, too.
