Saturday 2 October 2010

I'm back and not as unfit as I thought!

I have been rather slack this year, winter & and the world cup gave me excuses to eat, drink and be lazy. I last ran a race on 1 May - the Safari Half - and since then just haven't been bovvered. I kind of lost my enthusiasm and drive and it just felt like I couldn't really do it anymore, my knee's been niggling and I just kind of felt 'over' the whole running thing.... which worried me because it kind of keeps me semi-sane and stable.

Anyway I am entered in a Half Marathon in 2 weeks time - with booked accommodation and a 5 hour drive each way, booked in JAN - and so I feel like I HAVE to do it. So this week I found a race to do - the Cape Gate 10km - and decided to force myself to do it, to at least see if I can do a 10km without dying... and to get my ass in gear for the half marathon.

It was this morning and I actually loved it! I felt good and quite strong, didn't need to stop and walk once and finished in 54:25 (not my best ever but only 3 mins short of it! - anything below 55min is good I think) So I am chuffed and have new motivation and drive now. I am quite chuffed actually.

:) :) :)

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