Saturday 20 November 2010

Cheese & Whine

So 2 weeks ago, the morning after the night before (where I broke my ankle) I was invited to Lee'Ann's quarter century birthday celebrations. I'd thought I was going to have to cancel, but darling Lee-Ann immediately offered to collect me when she heard I was incapacitated. Which she duly did. So off I went and had a wonderful day of fun in the sun with her and her freinds. It was marvelous and just what the doctor (would have) ordered (had I actually gone to one!). :)

We first went to Fairview where we met up with Jess, Lia, Candice and a bunch of others whose names I don't recall where we tasted a bunch of yummy cheese and wine and laughed lots.

Jess & Lee-Ann

Midget Porn Lovers (apparently)...

The wine tasting gang.

All of us after a few glasses...

Our Wine 'ou'


Afterwards we moved on to another wine farm for more wine and a delicious slow and relaxed lunch. And then Lia, Lee-Ann and I finished off with sundowers at Buena Vista Social Club.

Cruising homewards...

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