Friday 12 November 2010

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy!

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” — Marcel Proust

Today I am grateful to/for:
- Whoever is responsible for the amazing gift box delivered to my home which is filled with nuts, dried fruit, Lindor & Toblerone chocolate, Cream Liqueur, Nougat etc. WOW. I just know it was Ilse, even though it ...was sent anonymously. Thank you my darling friend. I am beyond grateful for everything you have done for me. You are like a guardian angel.
- Griffin for saving one of his birthday cup cakes to bring home to me.
- Mike for yet another lift to and from work.
- Tyrone for taking me to the medical centre.
- Mike for fetching me again (even though he pointed and laughed and teased me about being itchy ALL DAY LONG). ;)
- Dr Black who was really very nice and treated me with kindness and care and made me feel nurtured.
- Both our ENT and Radiologist neighbour who phoned as soon as they heard my ankle was actually broken.
- My sweet sister who phoned as soon as she found out, even though she is busy with a brand new baby.
- My dad. Who is one of my best friends, and always makes me feel cared about.
- Tiny for making me a cup of tea when I got home.
- Cindy for the lifts she is going to be giving us to and from the cubs campfire evening.
- Pete for still caring.
- Louis for caring in private, even though he laughs at me in public. :P
- Steven R for always being there, with a kind word of support or encouragement, or humour. Means a lot that you are still there watching from afar and keeping an eye out for us.
Thank-you everyone! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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