Monday 29 November 2010

Quinn - not a crook at all it seems! SO PROUD OF HIM!

You know how I post about Quinn and his entrepreneurial and money making skills? Part of me has been a tad worried that he may be crooking and cheating people at times... well today he came home with a personal letter from the principal.

Dear Quinn,

Thank you for handing in the wallet with over R300 which you found in the school grounds. There is no doubt that most people would have just put the money in their pockets and walked off.

I am particularly proud of you. You bring credit not only to yourself and family but to your school too. Rondebosch is fortunate to have boys of your calibre in it and I hope you continue to behave in this way for the rest of your life - it really separates the men (gentlemen) from the boys.

Aw my boy I could not be prouder!!!


  1. WTG Quinn!! That is awesome. He is a great little boy

  2. What a great letter! Not only did Quinn do well, but what an excellent letter from the principal.
