Tuesday 15 February 2011

Fitness Ass(essment) again...

Today I had another Fitness assessment. I missed the second one last year due to the deathly flu I had in October. So the last assessment was a full year ago.

My measurements were as follows (last 2 year's results in brackets so from newest to oldest results consecutively):
Weight: 56kgs (55kg, 57.5kgs)
Height: 166cm
BMI: 20.3 (19.7, 21)
Waist Circumference: 69cm (67cm, 70cm)
Body Fat percentage: 22.5% (23.5%, 21.1%)
BP Systolic: 100 (110, 110)
BP Diastolic: 65 (70, 60)

My Maximum Functional Capacity - Done as a (25cm) step test with 4x 2-minute stepping intervals with increasing tempo, and 1-minute rest breaks between them:

Max Functional Capacity: 43,5 (56.8, 46.1)
Max HR (bpm) - 135 (132, 130)
Avg HR (bpm) - 91 (110, 89)
Duration (min) - 12

Considering I broke my ankle 3 months ago and have not been exercising as much as before I think I did pretty well.

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