Wednesday 23 March 2011

Constantia Village 15km running race

So I ran the Constantia Village 15km race 2 weeks ago. I was a little nervous because I have never run a 15km event before. I usually stick to 10km races, and I have done 4x half marathons, but the last one I had flu and had to walk most of it and then got quite sick from even attempting to run with flu and then I broke my ankle. So getting back on track has been a challenge. Anyway I dragged myself out of bed before 5am on Saturday 12 March and took myself off to Constantia Village to find a surprisingly large feild lining up for the race. I have no idea this race attracts more than 2 500 people! Wow.

Anyway the race started and followed a lovely interesting and undulating route around the gorgeous areas of Constantia and Tokia.I had a quick pee-break behind a big tree at 7km, and then nearly lost my shorts when I ran off without fastening them properley! Ooops. But still I felt really good for the first 10+ km.Which incidently was right near 'new guy's' house. The last 5km were a little tougher but I was still good up to 13km when my ankle did start to niggle a little. Still I persevered.

I ended up crossing the finish line at 1:21:05, whcih I was very happy with. I had hoped to crack 1:30, and hopefully 1:25, so I did a fair amount better than that.

The reslts are out and can be found HERE

I ahev analysed my results and they are as follows.

I came 744th out of total of 2539 finishers - top 29%

I came 151st out of total of 1249 females - top 12%

I came 24th out of total of 165 females in 35-40 Category - top 15%

I came 107th out of total of 317 all in 35-40 Category - top 34%

I came 1st out of 5 Janes :) <- if you analyse enough you can find SOME way to win! ;)

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