Wednesday 30 November 2011

Mom's Got PMS - run for your lives!

I have been explaining the concept of PMS to Quinn - I think it's important for him (all boys in fact) to understand it. 

Anyway last night I was a bit snappish and pissy with the boys - because they were really irritating me! I felt blah and tired and moody and just wanted to eat and sleep and sulk. But I told them I was going to drag myself out for a little run and was hoping it would help a bit. 

A while later after I got back I told Q I felt much better after my run, and he said 'Yes you do seem a lot more cheerful now', so I said, 'Yeah they should write a children's book called "Mom's got PMS, so let's behave" '. To which he chirped, 'How about "Mom's got PMS. Let's go to bed!" ? Or even better "Mom's got PMS - where's that 45 Magnum??"' and then he motioned to shoot himself in the roof of the mouth... I think he gets it. Hahahaha. 
:twisted: :oops:

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