Saturday 18 February 2012

Big Swim Entrepreneur Drive - GREAT SUCCESS

It's nearly time for the school's Big Swim again, which is one of their big money making drives of the year...

2 Years ago the boys were very entrepreneurial.

Quinn asked if we could do the same this year. So this year I agreed to buy a box of eggs for each and they had to make a poster and I printed one up too and sent and email around the office.

So I put in R120 as seed money. This year the eggs cost R1.25 each.

I set up 'shop' on Thursday and sold all 92 in about 3 hours - including selling 1 for R200! (to the big boss from the UK), another colleague bought 2 for R20, and my boss decided Quinn's bulk-buy incentive of 10 for R20 was 'a rip-off' (in reverse) and so he only took 8.

On Thursday night Q asked me to buy 2 more boxes (from the profits of the first 2), which I did and those sold out by 4pm on Friday.

Thay have just counted up the money and have R382.50 - plus the pending R200 from the big boss. So a grand total of R582.50 to take in. Not bad going!!!

 Below is the email I sent to the office.
From: Fraser Jane
: Thursday, February 16, 2012 09:04 AM
Subject: Marshmallow Easter Eggs - to Quinn & Griffin's Big Swim  

My boys, Quinn & Griffin have to raise money for their school (Rondebosch Boys' Prep School) for the annual big swim next week. Most of the money they received is donated to charity, some is used for things the school needs.

In lieu of begging for money from friends, family, neighbours and colleagues, I sponsored them each with R60. Being the entrepreneurs they are they decided to use the money to buy something to sell, in order to increase their funds... They are selling at school and asked me to set up a stall at work too. :)

So if you feel like something sweet, or are feeling charitable please pop by my desk and by one (or 10!?) of their marshmallow Easter eggs support them. They'll be here till Monday or while stocks last. It is an honour system. Put in money and take out your change as needed… and is completely voluntary. No pressure.

Thanks in advance!

 R3 for 1 or R5 for 2
 Please Support Us.
We are raising money (for charity)
for our school's Big Swim.

Quinn & Griffin Fraser

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