Monday 28 May 2012

Our Holiday Part 3 - Chiang Mai and I

Chiang Mai was uncharted territory for me, but A had been there before, and since Quinn was not able to swim so soon after his op, we could not do any Thai Island hoping or beach resort this trip. So off we went North to Chiang Mai. I was not really sure what to expect. The town has 2 parts, the old city - inside the wall, and the new city - outside the wall. We stayed at the Eco Resort a few kms outside town. Which was very nice. We stayed in the old school house building.
After settling in we caught a taxi into the old town and walked around (we did a LOT of walking on our holiday). We went to Wat Phra Singh, which is a beautiful temple. In the evening we explored the night market area, which is thronging with life until at least 12am. There are many many cool wares on offer and beautiful handiwork, and lots and lots of great deals and bargains to be had here. It's good fun and quite exciting walking up and down and negotiating and scoring great deals. We again went to bed exhausted after a full and fun day.
On Day 2 in Chiang Mai we rented a car and decided to head out of town for some adventure. We took a meandering drive to Jungle Flight were we had a super fun and entertaining Canopy Tour with our very animated guides... Job and erm... Keto (not his real name but it should be based on the way he looks and acts!) :) They were like a comedy act and were so much fun. We had a blast with them and it was quite exhilarating. Also because we were not afraid they played with us and clowned around more than they probably would have if we were nervous or timid. I totally loved it. The best was when lowering us from the top of the canopy they would let you free fall for a second or 2. Gives you a huge fright that!

More Jungle Flight Photos are HERE

On Day 3 we went in search of Thai silk and Celadon ceramics for A. And thendid another long walk around a town exploring and shopping. We also relaxed at the resort and swam and read books.

In the evening we went to a Thai cooking class at Baan Thai Cooking School which was really awesome! We were taken to a food market and taught what everything is and what it is for and how it is used etc. Then we were taken back to the school and learned how to make some Thai food! We had such fun and the food is surprisingly easy to make and freaking delicious!!!

We made:
Coconut milk, Green curry paste, Pad Thai, Chicken Coconut Soup, Thai Fish Cakes & Green Chicken Curry. Quinn learned how to make spring rolls, and hot and sour prawn soup, Curried Prawn stir fry and a Penang Pork Curry.

We ate SO much we could hardly walk by the end. It was awesome! We had to walk back home just to walk some of it off!

Cooking Class photos HERE and HERE!

More Chiang Mai photos on Facebook HERE

That was the end of our Chiang Mai leg, next up a road-trip to Pai!


  1. Have read all the holiday sposts, and my, what a wonderful holiday. I love that you do these things with kids in tow! Just love it! They will have so many wonderful memories to look back to.

  2. Thanks Cat. Yeah they do pretty much whatever I do. I have taken them along wherever I go pretty much since they were born. t makes them adaptable and is interesting and fun for them too.
