Thursday 30 August 2012

Passport & Surname Change Update

Just to be clear, the motive for this is purely to have freedom and autonomy to continue with our lives. It is not intended with any malice and neither to remove any paternal rights (it wouldn't anyway).

It's purely for practical purposes, as well as - and possibly most importantly(?) - because the boys WANT it.

Anyway, I ended up mailing ex-DH last night - well what I THINK is his email address. With a very bland yet amicable message asking if he'd be willing to sign the required forms for either the passport renewal and/or the surname change. I have had no response. I am not surprised though. I doubt he will respond, even if he does get the message. He has chosen to pretend we don't exist and never did...

I have followed up with both Home Affairs and the Children's Court in Wynberg today who were both very helpful and friendly. I now have a list of things to do, and documents to gather, as well as affidavits to get from his sister and mother explaining the situation and why we can't get his signature directly (because he is in effect MIA). If I get these, I can get a court date of 30 Nov to motivate for both the surname change and passport renewal via a court order. The case worker spoke to the judge who is apparently interested in the case and willing to try to help. :)


  1. That is good news Jane (re: the case worker). I hope you get it sorted ASAP!

  2. Thanks Fi. I am certainly going to try. I have spoken to his mom and mailed his sister and have gathered most of my evidence already... now to tackle the affidavits! *deep breath*

  3. I am going to mail you!! I need the kids passports and my ex is also not responding!
