Sunday 26 August 2012

Tough, Tuffer, TUFFEST!

My friend is a legend!! She ran 165kms!

Yes you read that right... my friend Beryl ran the TUFFER PUFFER - which is a 160km trail race.

The PUFFER starts at 5am on Saturday and is 80km from Cape Point to the Waterfront along the mountain trails. They have 13 hours to finish.

The TUFFER PUFFER is doing the same race TWICE back to back, so starting Friday at the Waterfront running to Cape Point and back again. That's 160 freaking kilometers. There is a 36 hour cut-off.

This year 9 entered and 7 started. 2 of those were women and 5 men.
I think it takes a special kind of crazy to even want to do this race and they usually only get 5-15 people entering. The success rate is very low.

AND SHE DID IT. There were only 2x finishers this year - the 2 women! The other one came in before her. But all 5 men bailed. So she came second, But she was not racing, she was just doing it to finish.

She did 160km in 34.5 hours with NO SLEEP at all, and just stopping for 10-15 mins at a time to eat and change clothes etc a few times along. And anyone in Cape Town will know that the weather was horrendous on Friday Night and Saturday and she was out there through it all! I woke up annoyed that the winds and storms were keeping me awake on Saturday early morning and then I remembered she was out there IN it!

I met her coming back through Constantia Nek on Saturday at 11ish and she was fit and strong and festive and really seemed like she was just out for a morning ramble! I did about 10kms with her from there to Skeleton Gorge and was freezing, wet, cold etc. 

She ended about an hour later than planned as she got a bit lost coming off Table Mountain near the end... get this, she appologised to us for taking so long and keeping us waiting! LOL.

We told her that it was really tough, and we got tired and NEARLY gave up, but managed to stick it out. LOL. What a nut SHE RAN FREAKING 160m!!! Bloody hell!

Amazing hey!?

Let's keep gong! +-130km (and 27 hours in). 11am on Saturday morning in the most awful weather. It was freezing, and REALLY windy and pouring with rain.

This is a shitty photo of both of us, but she had done 140km at this point!

Heading to the finish after 165km (she did an extra 5km when she got lost)

Done! Does that look like someone who has traversed 165km and not slept in about 40 hours!?

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