Sunday 16 September 2012

Sunflower Fund Bandana Fun Run - Wina Wena!

The Sunflower Fund held a Bandana Charity Fun Run in Cape Town today and Quinn and I joined in - along with a bunch of ladies from work.

I twisted my ankle on the way down Lion's Head last night to the point that I struggled to go to sleep last night. It really hurt! This morning I was limping a little, so I wore an ankle brace and told Quinn I'd walk with him.

Of course when we got there the excitement (ok and my competitive edge) took over and my coach (Quinn) said I must run, and that he didn't mind doing the race alone and I could just come back to find him again, like I did with the recent Blisters for Bread Walk. So off I set on the 9km course. Despite a long (15km) forest trail run yesterday I enjoyed the beautiful weather and had a really nice run. I was listening to my iPOD, and on the way back I realised every now and again people were saying something to me. I worked out I was being told I was the leading lady! No ways!? Wow!! So I ran my heart out and finished as the first woman in.

Now granted it was a 'fun run' and not an official timed or recorded race, and there were no prizes etc. But still, I won! I'll take it. Woo Hoo! :)

It was a gorgeous day out and we had an awesome time. :)

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