Saturday 4 May 2013

Safari Half Marathon #5

After sleeping in Sonja's lovely little flatlet, we woke up at 05:45, really not feeling like getting up to run a Half Marathon... I even moaned on FB that I wished it could be postponed for a day. In the end I got up and got dressed and got the boys and I out the door without too much fuss.

Soon we were at the start and it was such a gorgeous perfect day I really couldn't find any excuse not to do it. Although it was a full year since my last half marathon I have been running a lot and have been doing well. I have described myself as 'Faster, fitter and fatter' now. So while my time last year was a PB of 1:51:35 I thought I'd try to push for a sub 1:50 this time. I thought it might be a stretch but was worth a try at least.
So after seeing the boys off I lined up near the front - the only way to have a chance at a PB as you'll lose many minutes starting near the back, as it is a big field and congested start with limited opportunity to pass people in the first km - and was ready to go.
The first km was fine and I felt ok. Not great or bad, just fine. At about 4km my friend Paul caught up with me and then passed (he is much faster and more experience than I am) after a brief hello. The rest of the first half was pleasant I enjoyed the view, the weather, my music, the people around me. It was great day to be running and I felt good. At 10-11km I felt a little fatigued for the first time. But had some water, and a sugar sweet I had with me and a quick pee break and carried on. I didn't feel particularly strong or like I was going fast. I sort of wondered if my time would be slower than the previous year, but decided not to check my time or pace or worry about it, and rather to go purely on my own feedback at the time and go as fast as I could at the time.

At 12-13kms I was starting to feel a bit tired, but nothing insurmountable and I made myself keep going. I told myself I was fine and pressed on regardless... no walking needed or allowed!
On the long and tiring uphill at around 16km, I had to start digging deep as fatigue and mental doubt started creeping in. This time I was armed and ready and had a Vooma gel with me. I opened it at this point and had a mouthful  giving me the psychological (if not physical too) boost that I needed to keep pressing on the the end.
I took another 'hit' of the gel at 18-19 km and then tried to speed up to finish strong. Telling myself it's an easy 2-3kms and I could rest when I was done!In the last few hundred meters to the end. 

The final push and just before I saw the finish clock and what time I have managed. I always try to push hard to the end and finish as fast as I can...
Done! Glad it was over and thrilled with my time!
Photo with the sub-1:45 Pace Setter from the Safari Half who nudged me along a bit - by yelling ‘MOVE IT’ behind me a couple of times before finally leaving me in his dust at about 18 kms.  Still I finished just 45 seconds past 1:45, so no complaints at all. I was actually thrilled. I thanked him for the encouragement and for spurring me on. Especially since I had thought he was the 1:50 while he was behind me.

The results are out already HERE . This is how I did:

SAFARI 1/2 2013
Top %
Age 35-39
Age 35-39 F
My club
My Club F

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