Tuesday 21 February 2017


Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart. 

#DoingItForNatey is about remembering to be present, grateful, spontaneous, to live long days, to push yourself beyond your fears or self-imposed boundaries and limitations. Be who you are and who you want to be without inhibition or apology. 

I will be riding the Cape Town Cycle Tour, and hopefully also doing the Platteklip Challenge again this year both in support of SAEP and also #DoingItForNatey

For every breath that feels tough during the training and the actual ride, I will be grateful that I can breathe and I will push on, because he can't. And if I can raise some awareness and money for the Children's Hospital *at the same time that will be an extra bonus. I am already riding in the charity group in aid of SAEP (South African Education and Environment Project). But will add this to my reason to keep going...

But despite fund raising this is a cause to seize the day and make the most of your life. Do it for you and keep #DoingItForNatey.
* In honour of dearest Natey there is a donation drive to collect money in his name (Nathaniel Leonidas Thor Canter) for the Children's Hospital Trust, in order to help other little ones with Childhood Heart Disease to get the life saving treatment they need.


  1. I love it Jane, what about getting some #doingitforNatey rubber wristbands made? Could be an extra little fundraiser but most importantly a constant reminder to all of us...

  2. Hi Jane I came across your story whilst doing a bit of research for my site, I have read it so many times and gives me chills each time so sorry for the loss and what you are going through.
    I wanted to ask your permission to post your story on my news page of my site called safeTkids, I am bringing out a preventative drowning unit to SA and your story is so detailed on how quickly it happens and every parent needs to be aware of it. My email is anne@safetkids.co.za and my site is actually going live today and would be happy to send you the link before it does go live. All the best and god speed to you.
