Friday 10 May 2024

My 50th Birthday Speech

This is the speech I gave at my 50th birthday celebration:

Welcome everyone! Thank-you so much for coming along. I won’t bore you with a long speech. But I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to say a few words to you all. As Andrew discovered a couple of years ago at his big birthday celebration, the planning of an event like this really leads to introspection. I have to say the past 6-8 weeks of planning for this night have been really enjoyable. It's given me a great excuse to connect with so many of you. And it has kept me feeling constantly heart warmed & happy.


As this birthday drew near & I reflected on what I wanted to do to mark it. I thought about whether I wanted to go on an overseas trip, get some kind of special gift, or go for some plastic surgery (which, actually would be nice!). But I soon realized that what I wanted more than anything else was to be surrounded by people that are meaningful to me. The people who have touched my life in some way. I had really hoped that at least some of that special tribe who have a place in my heart would be willing to come to a party.


Being quite a deep introvert – which I know that not everyone knows or believes, but it's absolutely true! – but it means that I am not the greatest friend.  I need a lot of alone time, and I can easily get 'peopled out'. That means that outside of work, I don't have a lot of social battery left much of the time.


While I care really deeply for people, am NOT very good at staying properly connected with them, or seeing them regularly. So realistically I thought that maybe 20 to 30 people might come along. To say I am TOTALLY BLOWN AWAY that over 80 people chose to come along (and at least 4-5 actually flew in for it) is an absolute understatement! WOW.


I am genuinely overwhelmed with gratitude and love for each and every one of you. Thank-you so much!


As I have learned, life has a way of throwing unexpected challenges our way. And without a doubt one of the greatest tragedies, I have experienced has been losing our beloved little Nathaniel/Natey - nearly 7.5 years ago now. But in the midst of that unimaginable tragedy and grief, I felt the most incredible outpouring of love, care & community. It was then that I really learned the true value & importance of connections.


Looking around now, I see that many of the wonderful people who were by our sides then are here now too.


Thank-you for sharing in both the highest of highs and lowest of lows. They say that “Shared joy is double joy; Shared sorrow is half a sorrow”. And that is 100% true.


There is nothing more precious than being surrounded by the people I care for as I mark this milestone. Each one of you has played a role in shaping the person I am today, and I am eternally thankful for your presence in my life.


I have to single out Andrew here, who nearly 13 years ago arrived in my life in a rather odd way and has since changed the course of my life. He has shown me incredible love, support, and grace though it all. And has constantly made life full of possibilities, adventures, & amazing memories. Thank-you for everything Andrew, I love you.


And thank you all for being a part of my journey, for the wonderful experiences and memories we've shared, and for the promise of many more to come. Here's to fifty years of cherished connections, and to a future filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities.


I am so thrilled and beyond blessed to have so many amazing people in my life. Thank-you for being my heart-people and thank you for making my 50th birthday spectacular! I am so grateful for you all.


May we continue to fill our lives with moments that matter, and may we never take for granted the love and support that surround us.


Cheers to us all!

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