Saturday 8 October 2005

Bowling for Claremont

Ten Pin bowling has never held much appeal for me. It just seems lame and sleazy, well that's the impression I have got from various American movies I have seen where bowling has been portrayed (think 'the Big Lebowski').

Anyway I have bowled on 2 other occasions, the first time was a work function 5.5 years ago. Quinn was with me as 3-4 months old, and I guess I can blame lack of experience and being distracted (as well as not too interested) on my shocking performance... in any event I did dismally badly. So badly in fact that I walked away with a certificate for being 'Gutter Queen' aka The lamest of the lame! Oh the same of it!

Last year we had a work (different company) team building event where bowling would yet again feature. Thankfully this time I had some experience even though it was bad, and we were playing in teams, and I had a good team. I turned out to perfomr 3rd out of our team of 4 - so I wasn;t the worst, and our team one thanks to one VERY good bowler in our team. Woo Hoo. Suddenly bowling didn't seem so sucky!

Then a few week-ends ago my friend suggested we all go bowling (3 couples). I was not thrilled at the idea, but agreed to go anyway...What can I say it was actually F.U.N.

We started the evening with a sushi dinner followed by a few drinks - this may have helped... we then went to collect our bowling 'clown shoes' - why are bowling shoes so disgustingly ugly???

There were 3 couples. The guys started off way ahead of the girls. The other 2 girls were actually embarrsingly bad - like my first attempt, but somehow I managed to be consistently ok. Not bad and not brilliant, but I knocked some pins down with each throw - whereas the guys would either get gutter-balls or good hits.

Somehow I slowly but surely crept up and in the final frame I WON by getting to 100 with my last ball. I couldn't believe it. from Gutter Queen Loser to winner in just 3 easy steps ;)

I still don't think I would bother with bowling more than once a year or so, but now I can see that is is kinda fun!

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