Friday 7 October 2005

Evidently Fear will not be a Factor for me.

The kids and I really enjoy watching Fear Factor. It was Quinn's favourite TV progam since he was about 4 years old. We often sit and watch it together and marvel at the stunt the contestant have to perfom and the revolting things they often have to eat too.

Although in the American version of the show, it seems contestants are selected largely on looks (and possibly hydraulic apendages too), here is SA it seem appearance is not a selection criterion because on the spur of the moment I entered for the next local version due to be filmed soon, and would you believe I was selected!??

I am not certain how well I would do because although I am not actually scared of anything, and would have no problem with heights and balancing etc etc I am not hugely strong, especially in my upper body, and this is often really required, and I can not even begin to imagine eating a normal meal the size of some of the things they need to guzzle in like 2 minutes flat!

I guess luckilly for me my trip to Montreal of Ubuntu falls the exact week the Fear Factor filming is scheduled so I had to decline the opportunity to be a contestant.

Now I will never know what it's like.....

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